Walter Shows
This tribute was presented at the John Shows Family
Reunion in 1985 and copied from Pete Baucum's book
"Cornelius Holmes Shows of Jones County, Mississippi"
Walter L. Shows was a gentle man with love and appreciation
for who he was and pride in his name.
Walter Shows was born in Jonesboro, LA, the son of Marshall
H. Shows and Martha Elizabeth Britain Shows. He finished
high school in Jonesboro and furthered his education at
Baylor University, Waco, Texas where he graduated with Juris
Doctor degree and was admitted to the bar in Texas,
Louisiana, and Mississippi. He was employed in the legal
department of Sun Oil Company for many years. He lived and
worked in Mississippi for more than 42 years.
The name Shows differs from most family names in that it is
spelled one way and is pronounced, by most of the
descendants, another way, that is, with the old German
pronunciation., The origin of the name Shows of Schauss is
unknown, but the name "Shows" has been and still is
interesting. Many variances are found in this country:
Showers, Shows, Show, Schaw, Sowes, Shaus, Shous, Shause,
Shouse, Schauss.
With all the Shows that Walter encountered in Mississippi,
genealogy became his hobby. He spent endless hours
researching the truth of the folklore that three German
brothers had come to this land and fought in the
Revolutionary War, acquired land, and settled in Virginia,
South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. In
seeking the truth he traveled hundreds of miles, wrote
countless letters, spent enumerable hours in searching in
old churches, court houses, and archives, visiting old
timers, and attending Shows family reunions.
It was America's Bicentennial year -July 4, 1976- an
appropriate time for the John Shows Family Association to
hold it "official" organizational meeting. The purpose was
to perpetuate the memory of the Revolutionary War soldier,
John Shows, from whom we are descended, and to observe the
two hundred years of the Shows family in North America.
The necessary proof had been established that John Shows as
a Revolutionary War soldier, and has been accepted by the
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.
Through Walter's guidance markers were placed in Jones
County to commemorate John Shows' service in the American
Revolutionary War.
The objectives of the John Shows Association are:
To perpetuate the memory John Shows, who helped achieve
American Independence while serving as a member of a
Detachment of Virginians
To perpetuate the Shows name however the spelling
To note achievements of the Shows Family in America
To compile and maintain acceptable records of descendants
and ancestors of said family to pass on to future
To encourage genealogical, historical and biographical
research of the Shows family
To unify same.
The John Shows Family Association may well be considered a
memorial to revolutionary War Patriot John Shows.
To this purpose, a book which contains information on the
family has been complied and published so that future
generations have proof of their ancestors and pride in their
To this dear member of our family, Walter Shows, who died
May 31, 1984, we are deeply appreciative and eternally
grateful for the "History of John Shows Family."
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