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enumerated 1900 US census Prec 3, Lavaca Co, TX pg 137 as Feb 1871with wife of 7 yrs Katherina May 1875 Bohemia with 2 of 2 childrenWilhelm Dec 1899, Christina Oct 1896 TX
enumerated 1910 US census North Fork, Beckham Co, OK pg 165 as 39 yowith wife of 14 years Katie 35 Austria, Willie 13, Justine 11 TX,Victor 9, Emma 5, Lizzie 2 OK | BARTODEJ, Francisco (I91)
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enumerated 1900 US census Prec 3, Lavaca Co, TX pg 152 as Aug 1866with wife of 12 years Louise June 1866 Bohemia with 6 of 7 childrenliving, Mary Dec 1889, Frank Oct 1891, Ludwig Sept 1893, Alfons July1895, Charles Jan 1897, Anglena Dec 1899 TX, mother in law FrantiskaBartodej Jan 1840 Bobmea widow with 5 of 6 children living
enumerated 1910 US census North Seminole, Lincoln Co, OK pg 183 as 42yo with Alasia 43 Moravian, Mary 20, Lewis 16, Alfons 15, Chalrey 13,Angeline 10 TX | GERLICH, John (I402)
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enumerated 1900 US census S. Creek Township, Lincoln Co, OK ed 118 pg14 born in Sept 1878 in KS with brother Frank born Dec 1880 in KS
enumerated 1920 US census S. Creek Township, Lincoln Co, OK Prague ed125 pg 6B as 42 yo merchant born in KS with wife Emma 36 born in KS,son Charles 17 born in OK, dau Helen 15 born in OK, dau Rosa 13 bornin OK, dau Mamie 9 born in OK, son Joe 7 born in OK, son Robert 1 bornin OK
enumerated 1930 US census Prague, Lincoln Co, OK ed pg house 188 lines64-69 as 51 yo, wife Emma 45, dau Mammie 21, sons Joe 17, Robert 11,dau May 7
Obituary from Prague News Record June 8, 1838
J. J. Klabzuba was born on September 22, 1878 as St. Joseph, Mo anddeparted from this earth on June 4, 1838 at the age of 59 years, 8months, and 14 days.
The early part of his life was spent in Kansas and at the age of 14his parents moved to Oklahoma and homesteaded on a farm close to whatis now Prague and he has been a resident of this community 46 years.
In 1901 he married Emma Spevacek of Prague and to this union sevenchildren were born. one of whom preceded him in death. Rose KlabzubaVeach died on Nov 30, 1929. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. T. S.Webb of Dallas, Tex; Mrs. A. J. Whalen of Vacherie, LA, Charles, Joe,Robert, and Mary Frances all of Prague. Two brothers, Wes Kalbzubaof Prague and Frank Klabzuba of Ontario, Oregon and one sister, MrsFrances Semenec of Ashland, Nebr., tow grandchildren and a host offriends. Funeral services were held from the home, sunday afternoon,the Rev. Fred Stolz, of the First Methodist church, preaching. Musicwas furnished by Mrs. Trigolet at the piano and Mrs. Joe Obsivacsinging. Members of the Z. C. B. J. lodge were present with theircolors. burial was made at the city cemetery in the family mausoleum,under the direction of Parks Brothers funeral home. Many andbeautiful bouquets and wreaths of flowers banked the sides of themausoleum and carpeted the floor, the awning protected approach.There was a prayer and benediction by Rev. Stolz and the body was laidto rest. | KLABZUBA, Joseph J. (I708)
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enumerated 1900 US census South Creek, Lincoln Co, OK ed 118 pg 11house 245 lines 17-21 as 29 yo born Aug 1871 in Bohemia (came in 1877)with wife of 5 yrs Sopha May 1877 Bohemia with 3 of 3 children livingErnest Oct 1896, Joseph Dec 1899, Edy 1900 OK | SESTAK, George (I1155)
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enumerated 1900 US census South Creek, Lincoln Co, OK ed 118 pg 11house 250 lines 37-43 as 55 yo born Feb 1845 Bohemia with wife of 26yrs Josephine Aug 1855 with 7 of 12 children living Anna May 1883,Belle Dec 1884, Frank Apr 1886, John Oct 1888, Emma Oct 1888 NE | BARTA, Frank (I74)
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enumerated 1910 Jefferson Township, Republic Co, KS ed 104 pg 5a as 24with Josephine 24
enumerated 1920 US census Fairview Township, Republic Co, KS ed 106 pg4 January 12, 1920 as 33 yo born in KS with Josephine 34 born inBohemia, Matildia 8, Frank 7, Ernest 3/12 all born in KS | KLABZUBA, Charles Henry (I671)
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enumerated 1910 US census Dent, Pottawatomie, OK pg 235 house 24 lines36-45 as 42 yo MN with wife of 7 yrs Annie Aust-Bohemia with 5 of 8children living Burry 14, Oscar 13, Hulda 9 CO, Bradford step childrenAmelia 21 KS, Harry 18, Mabel 15, Minnie 12 CO, step d dau AnnieMiller OK | OLSON, Edward D. (I1021)
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enumerated 1920 US census Okmulgee Co, OK ed 105 pg 15b line 79 as 19yo OK, parents KS, IA in household of George Adams | KLABZUBA, Dr. Frank B. (I688)
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enumerated 1920 US census Rock Creek, Pottawatomie, OK pg 7 house 106lines 1-6 as 26 yo CO, sister Ellen L 31, nieces Annie 14 OK, Mary 6MO, Hellen 4 3m OK, mother Annie Olsen 44 | BRADSHAW, Harry A. (I219)
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enumerated 1930 US census Belleville, Republic Co, KS ed 4 pg 5b house1714 lines 68-70 as 25 yo, Victoria 25, Donna 3 KS | CUNNINGHAM, Lee Cameron (I294)
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enumerated 1930 US census Courtland, Republic Co, KS ed 8 pg 4a house95 lines 25-28 as 40 yo, Marie B 26, Enid 7, Velmia 6 KS | STRNAD, George (I1249)
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enumerated 1930 US census Dist 1, Ashland, Saunders Co, NE ed 1 pg 14alines 15-16 as 25 yo IA mechanic, Diamond 24 NE as lodgers in JohnSmith household | GORMON, Manford (I407)
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enumerated 1930 US census Dist 15, Freedom, Republic Co, KS ed 3 pg 5ahouse 115 lines 37-38 50 yo, Mary 50 KS | KERSTINE, Henry (I647)
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enumerated 1930 US census Fairview, Republic Co, KS ed 13 pg 1b house18 lines 71-74 as 39 yo, Olive 41, brother Edward 46 KS, lodger ElmerTeddy 13 NE | KLABZUBA, Louis Frank (I715)
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enumerated 1930 US census Fairview, Republic Co, KS ed 13 pg 5a house112 lines 32-34 as 26 yo, Faye 24, Don W 2 5m KS | HANEL, Earle E. (I448)
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enumerated 1930 US census Madrid, Perkins Co, NE ed 9 pg 1b house 23lines 85-89 as 40 yo, wife Anna M 41, daus Coar A 12 KS, Hazel M 9,Clara C 3 NS | EDWARDS, James Otis (I345)
67 |
enumerated 1930 US census Malin, Klamath Co, OR ed 42 pg 1b lines66-67 as 24 yo ID, Delia J 2 OR as sister in law and neice inhousehold of Earl M Ervin | WALKER, Jennie Fairfax (I22)
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enumerated 1930 US census Munden, Republic Co, KS ed 12 pg 1a house 4line 10 as 47 yo MO Married at 22 family not with | WARD, Earl Thomas (I1424)
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enumerated 1930 US census Munden, Republic Co, KS ed 12 pg 1a house 5lines 11-15 as 34 yo, Cleo 31, niece Norma B 7, Virginia L 4 1m, auntRose 49 KS | STRANSKY, Clarance (I1235)
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enumerated 1930 US census Munden, Tepublic Co, KS ed 23 pg 1a line 31as 28 yo lodger KS parents Poland, KS | OPOCENSKY, Helen (I1026)
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enumerated 1930 US census Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co, OK ed 35 pg 20ahouse 427 lines 45-47 as 31 yo, wife Hellen 26, son TS Jr 9m | WEBB, Theodore Straton (I1440)
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enumerated 1930 US census Pottawatomie Co, OK pg 208 house 32 as 65 yoHungary, grand daus Mary A 17 MO, Helen 14 OK | SLEZAK, Anna (I1200)
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enumerated 1930 US census Tulsa, Tulsa Co, OK ed 150a pg 29b as 25 yoOK, Cucha 25, Richard W 4m | KLABZUBA, Edward E (I681)
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enumerated 1930 US census Willow, Greer Co, OK pg house 68 lines 62-63as 29 yo TX, Lillie 18 OK | TATYREK, Francis Jacobi (I1298)
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from History of Klamath County, Oregon: Its resources and its people, illustrated
Another of the prominent business men of Klamath County who is of that spendid Bohemian heritage is Frank Charle Klabzuba of Malin. His father, for whom he was named, wasa born in Bohemia in 1840, emigrated to America and was married in St. Joseph, Missouri, to Mary Semenec, born in 1852. From there they soon moved to Belleville, Kansas where they took up a homstead and reared their three sons and two daughters.
Frank C. wasa born in Belleville, Kansas, December 24, 1882 and attended the public schools in Oklahoma and Kansas. He started his farming career by working for wages in Prague, Oklahoma, and later inherited a ranch of 160 acres. His early years were ingaged entirely in farming, sometimes on his own land and sometimes working for others, in Canada and Oklahoma. In the spring of 1909, he became a land agent and was instrumental in bringing the Bohemian colonists to Klamath County. At that time there was much less land than there is now as Tule Lake came right up to the town of Malin. Frank C. Klabzuba was connected with J. Kfank Adams in land development and owned one-fouth of the original townsite of Malin. Mr. Klabzuba is very progressive, as are most of his countrymen, and bought the first combine and caterpillar to be used in the district; contracted for harvesting the second year and soon had to buy a second combine to take care of his contracts. In 1916, he leased land at Tule Lake and farmed for 20 years. Later he engaged in the hotel business in Malin to which he is still giving his undivided attention under the name of Malin Hotel.
While in Prague, Oklahoma, Mr. Klabzuba was married to Anna L Barta, who was born on May 22, 1883 at Ord, Nebraska. Her father, Frank Barta, was born in Bohemia and died in 1920 in Prague, Oklahoma. Anna's mother, Josephine Barta, was born in Bohemia and died in Prague, Oklahoma in 1930. They never came West.
Mr. and Mrs. Klabzuba have two children: Charles Edward, born July 10, 1904, near Viking, Alberta, and Agnes, born at Adams Point, September 1, 1913, wife of Leo J Kreider and now living in Idaho. Mr. Kreider is field man for the Amalgamated Sugar Company at Nolus, Idaho. Mr. Klabzuba is fond of fishing and spends every spare moment in this sport. He is a member of the Elks Lodge of Klamath Falls and of the Malin Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Klabzuba is mainly interested in her home and family. | KLABZUBA, Frank Charles (I689)
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homestead in Rawlins County, Kansas Bouda, Alois E1/2SW, S1/2NW 18 232
settled on 160a in Michigan Precinct, Valley, Nebraska section 29 from Unhost | BOUDA, Alois R. (I173)
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In the probate and land records Rosa left the Lincoln Co property toson Joseph Klabzuba. Heirs listed in records August 1895 were JosephKlabzuba 36, Frank Klabzuba 51 both of Keokuk Falls, Lincoln Co, OK,Wesley Klabzuba, Jr. 42, Mary Rost 53, Elizabeth Kuhera 46, ofBelleville, Republic Co, KS, Veronica Kasl 40 of Cuba, Republic Co,KS, and Anna Volek 48 of Cleveland, OH Frank and Joseph were to beco-executors, but Frank died prior to the completion of the task. | OBERLAND, Rozarie (I1019)
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January 5, Thursday Morning
Dear Sis Mary,
Recd your wed was sure glad to hear from, well hope hou are lotsbetter by the time you get this, wea are all getting along just fineagain.
Joe Baby Marie got over her measles but still has a cold, she iscutting teeth. dr said some children has cold teething growing like aweed. ruth was sick with the flu just like a year ago, was in bedthru Holidays, but started to school again. Otis had the flu lastweek with me things come and goe what I sure hate the worst that welost our Doctor. Well I sure srote to Charlie & Josie Christmas noans but sure am very sorry to learn what he is going thru no I didnot Here from no one if you would of not wrote would not no nothing Ijust can not see that people act this way. I got a card from Wes &Joe either no never said nothing about there parents. Our Clara inCalif on Tues before Christmas was making fudge for the party they wasto have on Thurs before Xmas had beater on knocked it into this hotjudge splattered all over her, fer right are & hand got the worst 2ndand 3rd degree burns one to the girls rush her to the hospital, heardfrom since home hand & arm very painful, I wrote for her to come homeno answer. Well when you here anything about Charlie let us know didMatilda go back is Charlie in the Hospital there. Well I will closefor this time, as we are going to town how is everybody. Love
Sister Anna & Otis & rest
Omaha, Nebr Oct 22
Dear Sister Mary,
Many Thanks for the card also for the few lines, you spoke writing tome and never answer, I don't ever remember ever hearing from any onefrom there, but never the less, you & Rose come on down and see usany time as we have been at home never went on no vacation before coldweather set in we are going to put our storm-windows on today it issome cloudy, but warm like it might rain, hope not as we sure do notneed it.
How are you we are all well here, plenty to do, if it is to be doneevery day some thing we have not been no-where only up town, since theJuly 8 when was at your place, so you see how much I go.
The Kids comes home, as a wk on Sunday
Well it is has come in if am through to help him with the screens,well will be looking for you anytime, you & Rose come up let me know
Will close for this time, hoping you are all well there
With Love
Anna & Otis | KLABZUBA, Anna M. (I660)
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Kurnohorski's Maid | KUTNOHORSKI, Ludmila (I822)
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Library and Archives Canada, Census of the Northwest Provinces, 1906, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada, 2008 | Source (S42)
81 |
Maryland in the World War, 1917-1919; Military and Naval Service Records, Baltimore, MD, USA: Twentieth Century Press, 1933 | Source (S21)
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Missouri Birth Records [Microfilm], Jefferson City, MO, USA: Missouri State Archives | Source (S37)
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Missouri Marriage Records, Jefferson City, MO, USA: Missouri State Archives | Source (S53)
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Moved to Oklahoma in 1924.
1920 US census Cloud Co, KS ed 23 pg 5 as 23 yo farmer with unnamedwife 19 born in KS, unnamed dau 1 5/12 all born in KS | KASL, William McKinley (I638)
85 |
News OK
Obituaries/Death Notices
TATYREK Mildred Tatyrek passed away March 17th, 2005 after a long, courageous, and inspirational fight with cancer. Mildred was born in Willow, Okla in 1926. She was a devoted wife of 60 yrs to Ernest Tatyrek; loving mother of Ray (Mary) and Ken (Jan)Tatyrek; grandmother to Derek (Kristin); 2 great-granddaughters, Madilyn & Megan; & sister to Thelma High. As a resident of Bethany and a member of Tulakes Baptist Church for 52 yrs., she became an active volunteer which included Bethany Hospital. Mildred was a caring & supportive friend to many who considered her a sister. She will be sorely missed but always valued & celebrated. Mildred was preceded in death by Doug and Inez Boynton, parents; & sisters Dorothy Shook and Ruth Cornelius. Contributions to American Cancer Society appreciated. Services Monday 10AM at mortuary chapel. Burial to follow in Willow, Okla. MERCER-ADAMS | BOYNTON, Mildred E. (I216)
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Original sources vary according to directory. The title of the specific directory being viewed is listed at the top of the image viewer page. Check the directory title page image for full title and publication information. | Source (S67)
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people came from as far as Vienna to have her treat them. Her oldest grandson Frank would write down what she said to the patients. | SKRICK, Josefa (I1195)
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Prague, Ikla
April 9, 1946
Dear Cousins:
I know you all are heart broken over Bertha dead, sure was suprise &shock to hear of her passing away sure wish that I could of been therewith you all. both of my boy had the measles all week. the youngestGeo was pretty sick had high fever. Mother wanted for Emma & L to goand let her take caare of the boy's I was afraid to move them to herhome Geo didn't want me to go he was so sick I just didn't have theheart to leave him. what happen to Bertha. was she sick along time.I sure feel sorry for her family. some of the children must be prettysmall yet. but that's the way it go. we sure hate to give up arelove ones. was all her children with her. she still must have someboy's in service. her family and all her relative have our deepestsympathy.
it is raining to day we had a dry and warm winter. all the fruitsare in bloom. I have 250 chikens and all my garden planted exceptcumcumber & tomatoes. our oats & wheat crop's are looking good.
Ernest didn't plant is corn yet. Ernest mother is poorly. his fatheris little better. they are both up in age and can not get around much any more. my mother is also in poor health. she was sick with fluall winter and if it isn't one thing it is another. at times sheget's a spell and can not breathe. Agnes & Mary were here sunday.Agnes is feeling pretty good after her sickness. she has a boy inservice some where in Japan. he has been across about 8 mo. wedidn't see him over hr. well Mary I must close hope these few linewill fine you will. I knowyou are dad and heart broken. I had my cryover her to. I just couldn't belive that she is gone. write me aletter some time when you fell like it. with all my love and deepestsympathy
Ernest, Anna & son's | KLABZUBA, Anna (I658)
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See newspaper information provided with each entry. | Source (S70)
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Shawnee News-Star 15 August 2004
Joe J. Klabzuba
Lifelong Prague resident and philanthropist Joe J. Klabzuba diedThursday, Aug 12, at his home in Prague.
He was born Sept. 21, 1912, in Prague to Joseph J. and Emma (Spevacek)Klabzuba.
He earned a bachelor of science degree from the University of Oklahomain petroleum geology and co-founded Klabzuba Royalty Company, where heserved as president and chairman of the board until his death.
He married Leontine Mary Kuban May 18, 1948, in Prague. She precededhim in death on May 20, 1996.
He served with the U.S. Army in World War II in North Africa, Sicilyand Utah Beach at Normandy on the first day of the D-Day invasion. Hereceived the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Bronze Arrowhead.
He served on the city council, the school board, was a member of theAmerican Legion and supported the FFA program, the Prague SeniorCitizens Center and various Prague athletic activities. Klabzuba wasselected Prague's Man of the Year in 1968, headed the Prague LionsClub, was a founder of Prague Builders, supporter of the Prague MainStreet Program, and was the recipient of the Prague Chamber ofCommerce Lifetime Achievement Award in 2002. He served as president ofthe Prague Hospital board, where he was instrumental in recruitingmedical doctors to Prague. He served on the troop committee of thePrague Boy Scout Troop 485.
Along with his brother, Robert, he established the Joe and RobertKlabzuba Chair of Geology at the University of Oklahoma.
Klabzuba formally accepted his Christian faith July 21, 2004, and wasbaptized at home by the Rev. Adrian Vorderlandwehr. He was confirmedand received his first Holy Communion Aug. 8, 2004.
Survivors include sons and daughters-in-law, Robert and Ruth Klabzubaof Edmond, Joe Paul Klabzuba of Prague, John and Georgia Klabzuba ofTulsa and Jim Klabzuba of Prague; brother and sister-in-law, Robertand Doris Klabzuba of Fort Worth, Texas; sister-in-law, Irene Sykoraof Stroud; and grandchildren, Mary, James and Andrew Klabzuba ofEdmond.
A wake and rosary will be 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Parks Brothers FuneralChapel in Prague.
A Mass of Christian burial will be 2 p.m. Monday at St. WenceslausCatholic Church in Prague with the Rev. Adrian Vorderlandwehr, O.S.B.,officiating.
Burial will follow at the Prague Cemetery.
Family will receive friends at the Klabzuba home, 806 Barta, Prague,following the service.
Parks Brothers Funeral Service in Prague is directing arrangements. | KLABZUBA, Joe J. (I700)
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Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Master File, : Social Security Administration | Source (S24)
92 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S69)
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Source Medium: Church Record | Source (S3)